Orchids, how to protect them from bacteria and diseases with a flick of the wrist – they will never die again

Orchids are beautiful houseplants, but they are extremely fragile and susceptible to bacteria. Let’s discover the natural element that you can use to protect your orchids from the risk of disease. Here are the details.

One of the most common houseplants in people’s homes is undoubtedly the orchids . In nature, there is an impressive variety of these plants, as there are more than 30 thousand different species.

Each orchid differs in the size, color, and hue of its flowers, among many other aspects. It is possible to find orchids of all colors, from purple to pink, yellow, white, blue and orange. A veritable riot of colour.

We have already mentioned that the orchid is mainly a houseplant. Houseplant . In fact, this is exactly the place where it can grow better and is protected from dangers and risks. Despite this, this plant is very fragile and sensitive to various conditions. It is therefore your responsibility to perform all movements as correctly as possible to prevent it from being attacked by parasites, bacteria or other diseases.

It is not very complicated to optimally care for orchids and protect them from bacteria. A few simple precautions are enough, but you have to pay attention to the “strange” signs that these plants give.

It is very important that the plant is not directly exposed to the sun. The orchid therefore loves the interior of our home, as long as the light reaches its leaves without coming into contact with the sun’s rays.

You can also put your orchid on the windowsill as long as the sun’s rays don’t get there. It is also possible to protect the plant with a tent. However, it is important that it is always protected from direct contact with the sun’s rays. However, as expected, it will always be necessary to expose them to light.

In this article, we want to show you an extraordinary trick that you can use to minimize the risk of your orchid getting sick.

Perfect protection for orchids against bacteria: what you need to know

The best strategy is to place the orchid in the southeast or southwest of the apartment. Another aspect that must be taken into account is the heating of the house. Avoid placing your orchid near heat sources such as radiators or fireplaces.


At about 20°, the orchid always has optimal growth and is healthy and lush. In summer, it is important to place the orchid in a well-ventilated place, taking care not to let the sun shine in.

Bei zu viel Feuchtigkeit in der Wohnung besteht die Gefahr, dass die Orchidee von Parasiten und gefährlichen Bakterien befallen wird, was zu Krankheiten und im schlimmsten Fall zum Absterben der Pflanze führen kann.

Einige chemische Produkte auf dem Markt sind in der Lage, diese Parasiten auszurotten, aber sie sind nie die Lösung, die von den Experten empfohlen wird. In der Tat gibt es mehrere Tricks, die es Ihrer Orchidee ermöglichen, immer gesund zu bleiben. Insbesondere ein natürliches Element ist in dieser Hinsicht sehr nützlich.

Die Lösung gegen Parasiten.

Die natürliche Lösung, mit der Sie den Parasitenbefall Ihrer Orchidee wirksam bekämpfen können, ist die Verwendung von Kurkuma. Dieses Element mit starken antioxidativen und entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften für den menschlichen Körper ist auch sehr nützlich, um Probleme für Ihre Pflanzen zu vermeiden.


Therefore, it is possible not only to use them in the kitchen, but also for other seemingly secondary purposes. The first thing you need to do is to cut the dry branches that are most affected by the attack of the bacteria and parasites. Then remove the dry roots from the pot and wash them with water.

Take the turmeric powder and dissolve a tablespoon of it in a bowl of warm water Filter everything and put the mixture obtained in a spray atomizer. Spray this mixture on the leaves and roots of your orchid and place the orchid in a pot with soil, pebbles, and coconut fiber.

The anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic effect of turmeric will have a very positive effect on your orchid, which will grow as healthy and vigorous as before after this valuable procedure.

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