Which car has right of way? Even the most experienced will be confused

Even the best drivers can get confused about the right of way. But let’s see what it’s all about.

Car priority test
Giving way to motor vehicles can cause a lot of confusion for even the most experienced people. The road has its own rules of the road that everyone must obey to avoid accidents .

At a junction, you often notice drivers who do not know what they are supposed to do and who should have the right of way. A good overview of the rules of the road, including rights of way, can be really useful for everyone. To find out everything you need to know about right of way rules on the road, I recommend you read the following information.

Right of way and driving licence check
When driving, it is very important to always keep the rules of motor vehicle legislation in mind. After many years, driving becomes routine for many people, but in traffic conditions it can happen that you no longer know how to deal with the question of right of way.

There are various signs and priority signs that every driver knows or should know well. To be more precise, there are 14 signs of different shapes that indicate right of way. The so-called “stop” sign indicates that you must stop on the road and give way. On a road with an inverted triangular sign, the give way sign indicates that priority must be given to all vehicles, both those coming from the left and those coming from the right.

Right of way
During the driving test, you will often be asked a series of questions about junctions, with drawings of cars and their letters, which must be placed in the correct order. To determine the correct sequence during the driving test, you need to know the priority rules. If there are no signs, the first car to leave a junction is the one that has right of way, followed by the others, which in turn have right of way.

Right of way at a T-junction
At a T-junction, it is important to know how the right of way works. In practice, when approaching this junction, it is important to know that in traffic conditions with three vehicles, priority must be given to the vehicle that is not allowed to turn.

Therefore, the vehicles that have to turn right or left must allow the car that has to continue straight ahead to pass. After the car that must continue straight ahead has passed, the car that must turn left must pass first and then the car that must turn right.

Right of way
In this situation, the right of way on the road belongs to the car that has to continue straight ahead, only then can the others turn off. According to the Highway Code, the car that has to turn right is the one that can pass last at the T-shaped junction, unless there are signs to the contrary. For those who do not comply with the Highway Code , it must be said that this is the case of the right of priority , art. According to Art. 145 of the Highway Code, a fine of up to six hundred euros, a deduction of 5 points from the driving licence and a withdrawal of the driving licence for a maximum of three months may be imposed.

Right of way at a four-way intersection
There is a specific order for overtaking at a four-way intersection. In practice, in the absence of special signals, priority is given to vehicles coming from the top right. In the case of vehicles on rails, emergencies or trains, these have priority.

If four vehicles have to proceed in four directions at a junction, the car or other means of transport has the right to proceed straight ahead first. After the vehicle that has to continue straight ahead has passed the road, the other vehicle that arrived first must pass.

The vehicle that has to turn left must give way to other vehicles at the junction. Therefore, vehicles that have to drive on the left-hand side are obliged to give priority to all other vehicles that arrive at the junction first. It should be noted that vehicles flashing blue lights or vehicles equipped with sirens carrying out an emergency service always have priority.

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