The recipe for a creamy and fragrant dessert

Preparation: 30 min

Cooking: 10 min

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Rest: 1 hour and 30 min

Difficulty: Medium

Dosage for: 1 roll

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For the cookie dough




80 gr

Mehl 00

30 gr


20 gr

Sonnenblumenöl (oder Mais)

30 ml




1 Prise

Für die Zitronencreme


200 ml

Lemon juice

180 ml


180 gr

Starch (Maizena)

70 gr




50 gr




1 berry

You’ll also need

Icing sugar






The lemon roll is a delicious and fragrant dessert, a delicious twist on the classic lemon cake. Simple but extremely effective, it is perfect as a dessert at the end of a meal , for a dinner with guests or as a snack together with a cup of spiced tea. A soft cookie dough contains a delicate lemon cream, made without milk and flavored with vanilla seeds. The result is a smooth dessert with an almost creamy consistency and a pleasant citrus taste.

The preparation is simple and without particular difficulty, as long as you follow our instructions step by step. As soon as the cookie dough comes out of the oven, it should be immediately sprinkled with sugar and then wrapped in cling film and a cloth so that it can take its shape without breaking. When it is very cold, it is filled with the lemon cream, wrapped again in cling film and then left to rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour (better even longer).×280&!3&btvi=3&fsb=1&dtd=M

Since the peel is used, buy organic and not chemically treated lemons. If you like, you can garnish the lemon roll with cream bunches, mint leaves, powdered sugar, but also fresh lemon slices, whipped cream, roasted pine nuts or flaked almonds.

Find out how to prepare it by following the step-by-step guide and advice. If you love lemon desserts, don’t miss this one

How to prepare the lemon roll

Step 1

Prepare the lemon cream: pour the lemon juice into a bowl and add the grated zest and a pinch of vanilla seeds1.

Step 2

Mix with a teaspoon2 and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

Step 3

Add the sugar to the cornstarch3.

Step 4

Gradually pour in the water and stir with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming4.

Step 5

Mix lemon juice with zest and vanilla5.

Step 6

Pour the mixture into a saucepan and thicken over low heat, stirring constantly6.

Schritt 7

Vom Herd nehmen und das Eigelb hinzufügen7. Umrühren und kurz auf den Herd stellen, bis es zu kochen beginnt.

Schritt 8

Die heiße Sahne in eine Glasschüssel geben8.

Schritt 9

Mit Frischhaltefolie abdecken9und in den Kühlschrank oder an einen kühlen Ort stellen.

Schritt 10

Bereiten Sie den Keksteig vor: Trennen Sie das Eigelb vom Eiweiß10.

Schritt 11

Zucker zum Eigelb gebenelf.

Schritt 12

Mit elektrischen Rührgeräten aufschlagen12.

Step 13

The mixture must be swollen, clear and frothy13.

Step 14

Add the grated lemon zest14.

Step 15

Pour in the seed oil15.

Schritt 16

Das gesiebte Mehl hinzufügen16.

Schritt 17

Die Stärke ebenfalls sieben17.

Schritt 18

Mit einem Spatel vermischen18.

Schritt 19

Den Zucker und eine Prise Salz zum Eiweiß geben19.

Schritt 20

Das Eiweiß steif schlagen20.

Schritt 21

Nach und nach das geschlagene Eiweiß zur Eimasse geben21.

Step 22

Using a spatula, gently mix from bottom to top22.

Step 23

Line the tin with parchment paper and slightly moisten the bottom of the tin so that the mixture adheres well23.

Step 24

Pour in the dough24.

Step 25

Spread the dough evenly25. Bake at 180°C for about 10 minutes.

Step 26

Remove the cookie dough from the oven and place it directly on a cloth with the parchment paper26.

Step 27

Sprinkle the surface with sugar27.

Step 28

Cover with plastic wrap to keep the cookie dough soft and not dry out28.

Step 29

Flip the cookie dough over so you can easily peel off the parchment paper29.

Schritt 30

Halten Sie den Keksteig mit einer Hand fest und ziehen Sie mit der anderen vorsichtig das Backpapier abdreißig.

Schritt 31

Nochmals auf die Folienseite wenden31.

Schritt 32

Den Keksteig aufrollen32.

Schritt 33

Jetzt können Sie es in Frischhaltefolie oder das Geschirrtuch selbst einwickeln und aufgerollt mindestens 30 Minuten ruhen lassen33.

Step 34

Carefully roll out the cookie dough, remove the foil and fill with the lemon cream34, leaving some aside for garnish.

Step 35

Roll it up and try to tighten the roll so that there are no gaps35. Garnish with bunches of lemon cream. Place the lemon roll in the fridge for at least an hour.

Step 36

Once extracted, sprinkle with powdered sugar, add a few mint leaves and cut into slices at least a centimeter thick. bring to the table and serve36.


The lemon roll can be kept in the refrigerator, superficially covered with a transparent film, for 3 days

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