The tea that Irina Loghin drinks every morning: “The doctor told me that on the second or third day your tests were perfect.”

Irina Loghin is one of the most popular interpreters of popular music. At 82 years old, the artist is very good-looking and many have wondered what the secret of her youth is.

The tea that Irina Loghin drinks every morning. It is recommended for any disease and keeps you fit: it’s the best!×280&!3&btvi=1&fsb=1&dtd=36

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“Everything comes from food, from raw materials. I drink sea buckthorn tea every morning. I pass it through a blender, strain it and drink a glass of sea buckthorn and now I’ve learned to use it. “Catina is the best,” Irina Loghin confessed to “Vorbeste mulea”.

“I had the taste and smell and no pain. I wasn’t afraid. I was even more scared because the people from the DSP called you at the time and sent the ambulance. I was asymptomatic and went to Matei Bals to repeat the test and he was still positive. I was admitted to the hospital and did all my tests. The doctor told me on the second or third day: “Ms. Loghin, I am ashamed to tell you to get out of bed, your tests were perfect and I went home,” said the beloved singer.

Artist Irina Loghin gave up meat after ending up in the hospital with food poisoning many years ago.

“Since then, I’ve crossed meat off the list…. I had a big rush… I was on stage with the master conductor Ionel Budisteanu. I felt dizzy, I saw stars in front of my eyes. I got close to Master Budisteanu and said, “Hold me tight because I’m falling”… My legs got wet, they took me to the rescue, they took me to the hospital. It happened in the year 79 and I said to myself, whoever eats meat from now on, no matter what. Since then, I have removed meat from the food list and get all my proteins from walnuts and almonds …”, explained Irina Loghin.

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Sea buckthorn tea, health benefits

Sea buckthorn is considered one of the most valuable medicinal plants. Its leaves, flowers, seeds and fruits are prized for their properties and have been used for hundreds of years to make all kinds of preparations, from jams and juices to natural remedies or cosmetic products.

The content of vitamins, minerals and active ingredients makes it the perfect choice for anyone who wants to include plants with important health benefits in their diet. Consuming sea buckthorn tea is one of the methods by which you can benefit from the properties of this plant. In this article, you will learn what they are and what impact they can have on your health

The benefits of sea buckthorn berries include:

anti-inflammatory effect;

Antimicrobial effect;


Promoting tissue regeneration

Strengthening the immune system.

Sea buckthorn is also used in various medicinal preparations for cancer, heart disease, ulcers, liver disease, burns and brain disorders. [4] [5]

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn tea?

1. It can stimulate the immune system

As we have seen above, sea buckthorn can be a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Sea buckthorn tea can prove useful when it comes to stimulating the immune system that protects our bodies from diseases and infections.

2. It Can Lower Blood Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that sea buckthorn seed oil can help normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients and lower cholesterol levels, possibly due to the content of fatty acids. Along with proper treatment and a special diet, drinking sea buckthorn tea can help protect your heart.

3. It Can Help Maintain Liver Health

Sea buckthorn tea could prove to be a reliable ally when it comes to maintaining liver health. A clinical study showed that sea buckthorn extract can reduce tissue scarring and improve liver function in patients with cirrhosis.

Another study analyzed the effect of sea buckthorn on people suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Significant improvement in blood cholesterol, triglycerides and liver enzymes was observed in subjects who were given sea buckthorn 1-3 times a day.

4. It can improve the functions of the digestive system

Sea buckthorn tea could also help you maintain the health of your digestive system. An older study[6] focused on the effects of sea buckthorn extract on children suffering from indigestion. The results suggest that it may improve appetite, stimulate gastric emptying, and digestive function.

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