The most resistant purifying plant for indoors

One of the most common and widespread indoor plants is undoubtedly the phalanx . Its scientific name is Chlorophytum comosum , and it is also known as ribbon and spider plant.

The phalanx is one of the hardiest and easiest houseplants to care for. But, in addition to being aesthetic, it is also one of the most effective plants for purifying the air in the home .

In the 1980s, NASA conducted a study to demonstrate the ability of plants to purify the air in the most extreme conditions. The phalanx was among the 10 most suitable plants in this regard.

The phalanx is excellent for eliminating harmful substances present in the air, such as xylene, contained in the wood of furniture, and carbon monoxide, released by boilers, certain types of stoves and radiators.

The phalanx needs indirect light and should be watered once a week in winter and two or three times a week in summer.

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