balloon in the toilet
balloon in the toilet – Nanopress.it
A simple and surprising homemade balloon method to use in your bathroom. But what exactly is it for? Read on and you’ll find out! We are certainly talking about an economical and highly effective remedy. All you need to do is wait a few minutes to get a result that will leave you speechless. What you need to know in this article and therefore in the next lines.

As mentioned earlier, we referred to a home method that could leave you speechless. A method that involves the use of a balloon . In short, this is certainly an unusual thing, a way to even hear, yet by reading the next lines you will be able to understand that there is a reason for all this.

Many are surely wondering what a balloon is for inside the toilet at home. This is because it is certainly an unusual element to use as a natural home method.

So later you will understand why you need to use a balloon in the bathroom and specifically in your toilet.

This is an exceptional trick that without a doubt, once you understand what it is for, you too will want to repeat using it for your toilet.

Among other things, nowadays even more people are always looking for new solutions to put into practice for the various difficulties and problems that can occur within their home. Above all, we are looking for valid, easy and at the same time economical remedies.

So as to obtain good savings, perhaps using objects or ingredients that are easily available at home.

So below you will find all the instructions to proceed, in order to create this practical solution for your bathroom.

Put 1 Balloon In The Toilet: What Is Needed To Implement This Excellent Method
First you will need some simple balloons that everyone who has children usually has at home.

Place 1 balloon in the toilet
Put a balloon in the WC-Nanopress.it
The only aspect to consider more is to lean towards simple inflatable balloons, but those more resistant models.

At this point you will have to inflate one of these balloons.

When you do this operation which does not involve any difficulty, you will have to be careful not to inflate it excessively .

This is recommended as the balloon should not be too large.

This is a fundamental element in order to proceed with the following phase. Up to this point we have explained the beginning of this procedure which, as you can see, is absolutely easy to carry out without any problem.

Below you will find further explanations regarding the best way to continue with the procedure in question, so as to obtain an optimal result in the end.

So here’s how to continue after having partially inflated the balloon, trying to carry out this operation in such a way that the inflatable balloon is not excessively large .

The Secondary Phases: Here’s What You Need To Know
Now you will have to close your balloon perfectly . You can do this with the help of a practical cord , which you will use to tie the base of the balloon well so as not to let the air inside escape.

In this case the node must be safe and extremely reliable. Therefore it is important to make him make several turns around the closure of the balloon, to maintain a good grip. This way it won’t loosen when you use it for the primary purpose of this method.

Once you have done this step, you will not have to cut the remaining rope , i.e. the end of the rope. In fact, the longer it is, the better the final outcome will be.

Now we will move on to preparing a detergent type solution .

You will have to take 400 milliliters of a simple white vinegar , which is found in all kitchens.

White vinegar
White vinegar-Nanopress.it
To this mixture you will then need to add a spoonful of dish detergent . Mix the liquid mixture thoroughly, to mix well.

Now you will have to take a piece of tape and stick it on top of the balloon.

As you can see, the elements you will need to create this solution are all very easy, cheap and are often already found in your homes.

So now is the time to insert the balloon into your toilet .

The balloon must be of an adequate size for the toilet opening, so as to block it completely when it is squeezed well into the drain.

What Is The Balloon For: Here’s The Answer
The dangling string tied to the balloon closure must be long enough to hang freely outside the toilet.

Now you can continue by pouring the liquid solution created earlier, with the vinegar and dish detergent, into the toilet.

Make sure the balloon is positioned well, blocking the drain .

Now all those accumulations of rust, hard water and bacteria present under the edge of the toilet certainly represent problems that are not easy to eliminate.

Take a bucket full of hot water and pour it into the toilet, filling it to the top.

If necessary, add more vinegar and leave for 3 hours .

After a while you can clean the inside with the appropriate brush and the impurities present will be removed without any difficulty.

Finally, just gently pull the string to remove the balloon and pierce the point where the adhesive tape was. This way the balloon will deflate slowly. Now your toilet will be completely clean and sanitized !

Have you understood what the balloon in the toilet is for? Thanks to this method you will be able to have a toilet like you have never had before and all thanks to these steps that must be followed to the letter, to obtain the results just mentioned.

So all you have to do is try this home method which will surely show you good results and your toilet will only thank you. As they say in these cases, seeing is believing.

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