An old moldy silicone tape in the house? Experts explain how to make it return to its original state in seconds.

Silicone tape
Silicone tape – Nanopress.it
When the silicone tape is moldy , there are methods that help make it look new again in just a few seconds. There is no need to remove and change it, spending unnecessary money, but to use certain natural and non-natural ingredients. Mold is a common manifestation, especially in environments where humidity reigns supreme . For this reason, some experts make their knowledge available to obtain this tape again as clean and white as on the first day.

Silicone tape with mold is not just an aesthetic problem to solve , but a serious exposure to spores that are harmful to health. Humidity leaves room for bacteria, which proliferate undisturbed to create mold or the black patina that can be seen along the tape.

Eliminating it is possible, although it would be best to counteract its arrival. In fact, it is preferable to always dry the tape so that there are no water residues. Furthermore, humid environments must be ventilated continuously, at least three times a day.

moldy silicone tape
moldy silicone tape-NanoPress.it
Then, when the tape is old and black, there are also remedies that can be used recommended by experts in the sector. It is important to delimit the area with paper or specific tape, and then operate directly in this way:

Sodium bicarbonate , a natural ingredient always present in all homes capable of eliminating all mold from silicone. It is a natural, do-it-yourself anti-mold cleaner, to be rubbed directly on the affected area. The solution will be created with 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate, 3 of salt and 1 liter of water. Mix everything together and then pour the solution into a spray bottle.

Apply along the affected area and then leave for 10 minutes. If the mold is resistant, also add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the solution. The mixture will then need to be brushed out with an old toothbrush. Rinse and dry completely.

Bleach Method
If the mold is resistant , you can also apply a bleach-based substance which eliminates and counteracts the formation of leaks. You can prepare a solution with bleach alone, which will be applied with an old brush. Immediately afterwards leave it to act for two hours and then scrub with an old toothbrush . Now you use hot water to rinse and repeat the operation after a month, as a prevention.

silicone tape method
silicone tape method-NanoPress.it
Please remember that mold is not just an aesthetic problem , but above all a health problem. Breathing in the spores is not healthy at all, even worse for all those who suffer from asthma or have respiratory problems in general. Mold must be combated or in any case eliminated from its first manifestation.


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