Natural House Cleaning Tips: Cleanliness Without Chemicals

In our home, we sometimes come across stubborn dirt that cannot be removed even with chemical cleaning products. One such annoyance is often the joints between the tiles, which get dirty over time and are difficult to clean again to a bright white. The causes of this contamination can be varied, from limescale deposits to traces of moisture and grease stains to mold that has formed due to moisture.

Thanks to the tips of “retete-usoare”, you will not only solve this problem, but you will also learn many other useful cleaning tricks to keep your home spotlessly clean.

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1. Natural grout cleaning:

  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl thoroughly.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the joints, let it soak in, and then clean.
  • This natural and eco-friendly blend also has an antibacterial effect.

2. Cleaning with curd soap:

  • Curd soap is an excellent disinfectant and effectively eliminates germs.
  • It contains skin-friendly alkali, so it is also suitable for allergy sufferers.
  • Curd soap can be used on a wide variety of surfaces.

3. Cleaning with baking soda (baking soda):

  • Non-toxic, baking soda removes stubborn dirt, adds shine to surfaces, and removes stains such as coffee and tea residue.
  • A solution of 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a liter of water is versatile.
  • It not only cleans dishes and kitchen surfaces, but also neutralizes odors in the refrigerator and disinfects garbage cans.

4. Cleaning with vinegar:

  • Vinegar is an amazing bleach that kills bacteria quickly and dissolves fat effectively.
  • Vinegar removes odors and does not leave an unpleasant odor itself.
  • It can be used on cutting boards, in the fridge and to clean pans and pots.

5. Mustard powder for fat removal:

  • Mustard powder can effectively dissolve fat.
  • Simply apply a small amount of mustard powder to greasy surfaces, lather with warm water and rinse.

6. Renew tile joints:

  • A tried-and-true way to lighten old tile grout is to dampen a medium-hard brush and sprinkle baking soda into the grout.
  • Clean with circular motions and then rinse with water and a dissolved bag of citric acid.
  • Your tile joints will turn bright white again, and the tiles themselves will shine in new splendor.

With these natural cleaning tips, you can keep your home clean in an eco-friendly way and avoid chemical cleaning products. Try these methods and make your home shine. Good luck!

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