The most effective tricks to make Christmas cacti bloom all year round

Christmas cactus, sometimes called Easter cactus (Schlumbergera bridgessii), is a beautiful winter-flowering houseplant that adds a splash of color to almost any décor.

This well-known plant is not only easy to care for, but also easy to propagate and can be brought to permanent flowering with simple care.

Plant the cut segment about a quarter of its length in slightly sandy soil. Moisten the soil evenly and place it in a bright place, but away from direct sunlight.

To form roots for new plants, cut the shoots from the tips to the second joint of each plant. The cut part should show signs of growth after a few weeks and can then be transferred to another pot with a mixture of soil, compost and sand.

How to care for a Christmas cactus so that it blooms

It does not need any special care, but it only requires small precautions to ensure a healthy and abundant flowering of the Christmas cactus.

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This plant copes well with low light, but produces more flowers when placed in a brighter environment… Caution: Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, so the plant should be placed in a well-protected but bright corner.

Watering is very important for the Christmas cactus. The plant needs to be watered frequently and abundantly in spring and summer so that the soil remains moist but does not cause waterlogging.

Water frequently and allow the soil to dry out, but never completely. Excessive watering can lead to root rot.

The Christmas cactus prefers temperatures between 15°C and 21°C and medium humidity. It may be useful to place a bowl of water and pebbles under the pot of the Christmas cactus to increase the humidity.

Once the flowering period is over (usually in the fall), allow the Christmas cactus to complete its dormancy period by reducing the frequency of watering and light. Make sure that the plant receives at least 12-14 hours of darkness and a temperature between 10°C and 12°C. Keep the plant away from heat sources (such as stoves or radiators) and cold drafts.

With proper care, the Christmas cactus can surprise us with frequent and unexpected flowering cycles.

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