Peace lily, with this ingredient alone it blooms up to 10 years in a row

If you love the peace lily, here is a natural method to ensure that the plant continues to bloom even after many years.

Peace Lily

It doesn’t take much to personalize our home, and make it cozy as we’ve always dreamed. All we have to do is furnish it with the style that best represents us, and add here and there details that not only speak of us, but that make it our favorite place. In fact, coming home after a day’s work gives a sense of peace and serenity, and if we look around and love what we see, our mood will benefit even more.

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Paintings, photographs and designer decoration accessories undoubtedly contribute to the creation of a special place. But if there’s one thing that has the power to make everything more beautiful, it’s certainly nature. Flowers and indoor plants, in fact, fill the spaces without ever being too much or out of place. In addition, they decorate the environment with refinement and elegance, and make the habitat around them complete, harmonious and extremely relaxing.

Among the ideal plants for enclosed spaces, one cannot fail to mention the peace lily , characterized by dark green leaves and its wonderful white flowers. It is said to bring good luck and, as the name suggests, is a symbol of peace. Taking care of it and making it flourish as it deserves is easier than we can imagine. The secret lies in the use of a specific ingredient.Ezoic

How to Make the Peace Lily Grow and Bloom

The peace lily is perfect to be used as a piece of furniture, but we know that the flowering of the plants, unfortunately, has a limited period of time.

This does not mean, however, that with proper nutrition the flowers cannot last longer, and that the plant can continue to grow in a healthy and natural way so that the flowering remains beautiful and luxuriant over the years.

How to Care for the Peace Lily

All you need to do to make this happen is DIY a mixture of tapioca flour and water. This ingredient, by the way, is considered a natural fertilizer, and derives directly from the tuber of a tropical plant called cassava. Among the substances contained in it are minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and many others.

To feed our lily, therefore, all we have to do is dilute a spoonful of tapioca flour in 400ml of water and mix until you get a liquid mixture.

Then we add more water, continue mixing and transfer everything to another container using a sieve : this step is used to eliminate lumps.

The Use of Tapioca Flour Fertilizer

Once we have created our water-based fertilizer and tapioca flour in a few minutes, we can proceed with its use.

To do this, simply transfer it to a watering can and spray it on the soil of the lily, so that the roots of the plant absorb all the necessary nutrients and thus can grow healthy, beautiful and strong.Ezoic

Tapioca flour-based fertilizer

In addition, it is good to remember that the peace lily needs water about two/three times a week, and that the ideal place in the house to place it is a possibly cool place and not subject to direct sunlight .

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