Here’s how to have an abundant and eternal laurel seedling on the porch of your home

Do you want to have a laurel tree on the balcony that is always healthy? Here are some tricks that you will always have to follow so that you never get into trouble of any kind.

louro fresco

Bay leaf is a perennial plant with incredible benefits for our health. It is an aromatic plant, capable of giving better flavor to many recipes and guaranteeing significant benefits to our body . Bay leaves are used to create flavorful condiments for various meat dishes and more. They will also be used to make infusions, herbal teas and, in some specific cases, even alcoholic products such as liqueurs.

Often people buy bay leaves directly from the supermarket, without realizing how comfortable, practical and simple it is to grow a bay leaf on the balcony of their home or in the garden.

Having a laurel plant at home, always available, can be very important, both when it comes to preparing tasty cooking recipes, as well as for other specific aspects.

As we said, the beneficial properties of bay leaf are numerous. For example, if used in decoction, infusion or herbal tea, it will help relieve various ailments and greatly improve our digestion . Laurel also relieves many intestinal disorders and abdominal bloating. This plant is also associated with a property capable of fighting aerophagia.

In this article, however, we do not want to make a treatise on the beneficial properties of laurel, but rather to discover some techniques to grow the always healthy and abundant laurel seedling . Let’s find out all the information about it.

The tricks to make the laurel seedling grow better on the porch at home

We have already said that growing a seasonal seedling on the balcony of your house is actually very simple. So let’s find out how to make him grow in a totally healthy way and without him being able to suffer. Growing laurel can be done by planting the seeds or by planting a newborn shoot from a shrub. For growing in pots on the balcony, the seed-planting technique is more recommended.


The soil where you are going to plant your laurel seedling should be soft enough and drained effectively. In addition, contrary to what you might think, it should not contain a large amount of organic nutrients. It will be enough for the soil to be universal and rich in compost and earthworm humus. You can ask your trusted nursery for more information.

The pot for planting the laurel seedling should be of medium size . The important thing is that the development of the roots is facilitated in the best possible way. The borehole should have some holes for water to drain, preventing it from stagnating dangerously.

Inside the pot, you will need to insert the soil we described earlier. Now all you have to do is place the seedling inside the pot with the soil. Let’s find out now how to grow and best care for this seedling over time. Here are a few tricks.

Growing on the balcony: here are the best strategies

Not all plants have the same rules and the same places to grow at their best. In fact, each one differs according to the soil, the choice of location – especially in the shade or in the sun –, the amount of water needed for irrigation, and many other factors. Our laurel seedling will need to be placed mostly in the shade, but it will not neglect to receive sunlight for 3 or 4 hours a day.

muda de louro

The important thing, however, is that it is not directly illuminated by the sun’s rays , as it can “suffer” for a long time with this condition. The balcony, in a bright and dimly lit place, will be the ideal place for the location of your laurel tree.

As far as irrigation is concerned, then, it will be essential not to give too much water to the seedling. Only carry out this operation when the ground is particularly dry. In addition, irrigation will be best carried out in the cooler hours of the day, as for all plants. So choose early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

As we said, you can remove from your seedling the leaves that you will need for your preparations in the kitchen . It will be necessary to use very clean scissors, but without removing just one leaf from the branch. Instead, you’ll have to cut off the entire branch so that the growth doesn’t stop and that a new branch can develop soon.

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