If you see this Herb in your Garden, don’t touch it! here are 6 Good Reasons Not to Kill Her!

The plant you see in the photo is porcelan! Or market gardening purslane! This plant grows like weeds and that’s good! It’s good for you! Ad This annual plant originally grew in the South of France, fortunately it is now found everywhere! And here are 6 reasons why you should never get rid of it like weed but rather grow it, because it’s very valuable! Here are 6 good reasons to grow market purslane: 1 – Fight depression Consuming this plant will therefore allow you to fight against depression. 2 – Hydration Purslane is 93% water. 3 – Iron So if you’re not a meat or bean lover, this plant is a good alternative. 4 – Potassium Adding market purslane to your diet will help you maintain good blood pressure. 5 – An excellent antioxidant Market purslane is rich in vitamins A, C and E, which are thought to delay cell damage and slow down skin aging. 6 – Omega 3 The leaves of the purslane tree are edible and are also an excellent source of Omega-3. Add these leaves to soups, sandwiches,… However, avoid using it if you are pregnant!
Recette Ici: https://www.recettemarocaine365.com/le-pourpier-maraicher/?fbclid=IwAR02zKu3vWW8lRkBYRziEHNLzapIhwIkYGdqEQosB8FfGyN4CIhprk1VXSk

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