How to propagate bougainvillea branches on the balcony or garden: the foolproof method

Is it possible to propagate Bougainvillea branches? With this method, the garden and balcony will look beautiful in no time.

ramos de buganvílias
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Is it possible to propagate bougainvillea branches quickly and quickly, to have a fragrant and colorful garden? There are several techniques and methods for copying, thanks to the many pieces of advice from experienced nurserymen who emphasize this operation. Obviously, if you don’t have a modicum of green finger and dexterity, it’s best to get step-by-step help.

Propagate bougainvillea branches: expert advice

Bouganvillea is part of the large family Nyctaginaceae. In Italy it is a true symbol, so much so that it embellishes gardens and terraces with its beautiful colors. The maximum flowering period is in summer through fall. For those who love flowers, this is certainly the perfect plant to add a touch of light and color to the environment. Its flowers, for the uninitiated, are small colored bracts that embrace the central flowers of the cream or yellow hue.

Propagar ramos de buganvílias

The plant is a climber, so it is important to provide any kind of support, so that it is at ease throughout the structure provided. Experienced nurserymen confirm that it is possible to propagate bougainvillea with some particular techniques, using only cuttings. What does it take to multiply this beautiful plant? Sharp, sterile scissors, a clear plastic sheet, and a container filled with sand and peat.

Rooting and multiplication of the plant

Bougainvillea seedling can only be obtained from plants that are already developed, already flowering, and also well-developed (healthy). Proceed by taking a cut of about 15cm, only from a mature branch that is under the knot. The scissors to be used must be disinfected and sharp, cutting the branch perpendicular and not sharp.

Now you get an easy-to-pick up and move container, a large plastic pot, and a seeding tub. The container should be filled halfway with coarse sand, while the other half should be filled with peat moss. With the help of a pen, holes should be drilled throughout the soil, corresponding to the cuttings to be cultivated. Continue removing all of the basal leaves from the cuttings, later inserting them into the holes that were created. From one cut to another there should be 15cm of space, compacting the earth and misting. Take the finished clear plastic sheet and place the pot inside a balcony whenever possible, or in a dry, closed and bright place. Experts also recommend the use of a phytostimulant substance, which helps to form roots in a healthy and fast way.

buganvílias florescendo

You can also buy cutting powder (rooting hormones), which assist the cutting in its maximum development and formation. Obviously, the soil should be constantly moist, but without wetting the cutting. The ideal water is non-calcareous tap water, with a 24-hour rest. Rooting takes about a month, taking care to eliminate condensation from the plastic cover every morning. After this period, the plant can be transferred to a larger pot and a lighted area.

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