Here’s how to make a “mosquito trap” with just one bottle

For many, they are a real “plague” during summer days and nights, determined and intrusive like few other species. Did you recognize them? We are talking about mosquitoes , insects which, with the arrival of the hot season, begin to populate our homes, to our great dismay. Not only for the bites, but also and above all for the discomfort they can cause us while we sleep, for example. Thus, protecting yourself correctly becomes a priority: there are many remedies, each with different effectiveness.

But in addition to the chemical products on sale, there are also do-it-yourself, practical, economical, natural and affordable solutions to get rid of these hated insects. One of them, which we present here, seems particularly effective. What is this ? The so-called plastic bottle remedy .

What you need

To prepare our inexpensive homemade “trap”, we will first need a 2 liter plastic bottle , an object that can thus find a new use instead of ending up in waste. In addition to this container, we will need:

200 ml of water
4 tablespoons of sugar
a little scotch
1 gram of yeast
a piece of black cardboard or a dark cloth
a container for heating water
As you can see, these are simple things that can be found in every home: no chemical compounds , for a remedy that is also easy to prepare.

The process

To create our inexpensive and 100% natural remedy against the most annoying mosquitoes, follow these steps:

Cut the plastic bottle stopping before the narrowest part where the cap is, trying to be precise.
Heat the water in the container and pour in the sugar, stirring until it melts.
The water should boil for about 10 minutes, then let it cool .
Pour the mixture into the bottom of the cut bottle
Add the yeast to the water, without mixing it: the resulting chemical reaction will attract mosquitoes.
At this point, insert the cut top of the bottle, upside down, inside the bottom half, as if it were a funnel.
Seal with tape to squeeze the substance out toward the center of the container.

The time has come to cover our mosquito repellent bottle with black cardboard or cloth, without covering the cap , and check if it works.
To do this, place it in a dark and damp corner of our house; If you want to try it outside, it is important that it is always in a corner, or suspended, with holes.
Just wait: in a few days, by removing the black paper, you will be able to check if your trap has had its effect. If the mosquitoes have been attracted and have accumulated inside the bottle, the answer will be positive: in this case, the time will have come to prepare another one and continue living days and nights without being disturbed by these stubborn insects.

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