3 drops on the hair will be enough and it will no longer fall: the solution has been revealed

A home solution and with just 3 drops on the hair, we can not only treat dandruff but also stop hair loss. Curious to know what it is?

A creation that will be greatly appreciated by those suffering from dandruff or excessive hair loss, it involves the use of products that are incredibly easy to find at home.

Dandruff and hair loss

Hair is a big problem that many people suffer from  because they cannot show it in perfect condition,  the cause is often due to the  dandruff  they suffer from or  hair loss.

These two problems sometimes go hand in hand  ,  because the problem of dandruff only fuels the  weakening of the scalp.

Suffering from dandruff requires us to use specific products for it, in fact  we can hope to resolve it  with the numerous treatments that a specialist can prescribe.

Ranging from mild to moderate to severe, dandruff is very common and affects both men and women  Dandruff can affect  any type of sensitive hair and scalp at any time.

Woman with dandruff on her shoulders

This  excessive scaling of the scalp  can be caused by the presence of a fungus, or by environmental factors.

However, we can also turn to  home solutions  to try to stop or even resolve the problem.

3 drops on hair and it will never fall out again

Today we find out  how to create an effective product  , aimed at faster hair growth.
What you need are a few simple ingredients that we all have in our kitchen:

  • a glass jar,
  • White rice,
  • laurel,
  • cloves,
  • Red onion,
  • spray diffuser,
  • castor oil or olive oil,
  • domopak paper,
  • cascade.

First,  pour some rice into the glass jar  , just pour the rice until it covers three fingers of the bottom. Then it fills with water almost to the brim.

Rice water is known for its ability to  accelerate hair growth.

Bowl of raw white rice

In addition to making them more luxuriant and softer, its use makes them easier to style and at the same time constitutes  an excellent anti-dandruff. Rice water is rich in  amino acids and vitamins  that help  reduce hair loss.

Even alone, this water can help combat these problems, but if we combine a few bay leaves (three or four will be enough) and 6 or 7 cloves, we will  make this treatment more effective.

Bay leaves and cloves

So once inserted, the pot is closed and left to sit overnight. In the morning, after shaking the jar,  filter the ingredients  by pouring the liquid into a new glass jar.

Red onion

At this point,  grate a red onion  and filter the liquid that will be added to the pot, then add a few drops of castor oil, or olive oil or coconut oil. These are  products indicated for hair growth.

Part of this liquid is poured  into a plastic spray bottle  , and the rest that did not go into the bottle is stored in the refrigerator for another use.

Finally, spray on the scalp and ends and  massage for about two minutes,  finally wrap the hair with domopak and finally  cover the head with a towel.

Leave this compress on for an hour  then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Simply treat your hair two to three times a week with this lotion to have naturally soft hair.

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