How to prepare the most powerful natural insecticide to eliminate aphids on plants

A natural insecticide to save plants is easy to prepare and requires only a few ingredients: goodbye to aphids forever.

natural insecticide
Aphids attack plants and feed on their sap until they die. It is important that these insects are eliminated as soon as possible, creating a substance that can also thwart their arrival. Experts advise against the use of a chemical insecticide because it not only pollutes the environment, but it could also have a devastating domino effect on the plant itself. For this reason, nurseries recommend a type of natural fertilizer, to be prepared with an ingredient that is also a great protagonist in the kitchen.

Because aphids are dangerous for plants
Plant lice – also known as aphids – are small insects that can have different colors depending on the type. There are greens and blacks, as well as some types that affect different favorite plants.

Their reproduction is very rapid , which is why it is important to immediately notice their presence on the plant even before they lay their eggs. These little lice affect many crops and there are up to 3,000 different types in the wild. It is estimated that their favorite crops are ornamental plants like roses or vegetables ranging from zucchini to tomatoes, then cauliflower and peppers.

The attack is facilitated in most cases by a very young culture and a mild ambient temperature. The damage they cause is innumerable , both direct and indirect on neighboring plants.

plant aphids
They act by feeding on the sap of the plant , reducing the fruit to the point of removing all the nutritional and energy resources which lead to its death. That’s not all, the honey-like substance they produce that is released onto the plant encourages the growth of fungi to create a domino effect with other types of damage over time.

Natural fertilizer against aphids: just one ingredient is enough
It is important to counter the attack, not allow them to lay their eggs (remembering that they are very quick to do so) and then go and eliminate those already present. A chemical insecticide is better to opt for the natural one, which not only acts against lice , but gives the plant the necessary nourishment to survive.

Garlic against aphids
The ingredients needed for DIY natural fertilizer are:

1 liter of water
5 cloves of garlic
Proceed by letting the garlic cloves macerate in a container for at least 24 hours. Immediately afterwards, the mixture must be poured into a saucepan with a liter of water, letting it boil for 20/25 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let cool, then pour the solution into a spray bottle.

The natural garlic-based insecticide should be sprayed on the plant, up to twice a day. It eliminates not only aphids, but also caterpillars – ants – red spiders and mealybugs. Its properties will also be an excellent food for the plant.

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