With the arrival of summer, ants could return to populate our homes. Let’s see how to say goodbye to ants with natural methods!

Goodbye to ants
Goodbye to ants –
Even though they are harmless, ants can be very annoying indeed. Luckily, they can be repelled with natural ingredients. Let’s see one.

The heat of summer, even if now, with the new disturbances, still seems to be very far away, is about to return. With it, even insects wake up and start proliferating again. Among these, ants stand out as they continually search for food to carry and accumulate in their burrows.

Food that, sometimes, they even procure in our kitchens, creating endless columns for the natural comings and goings. Ants are attracted to the food that we leave lying around, to badly closed organic waste bins, to crumbs that are not promptly cleaned from the floor.

No matter how careful you are, ants could still arrive, whether it is a house in the city surrounded by a garden or a holiday home, no one could be exempt from their arrival .

Luckily, there are natural ways to ward off them . In particular, it would seem that washing the floor with an ingredient is enough for the ants to be annoyed and never return. Let’s see what ingredient it is.

ants –
How To Say Goodbye To Ants In The House
A precious ingredient both in the kitchen and for household cleaning, it could also be excellent for keeping ants away from our homes. This is bicarbonate . This essential ingredient in every home can be used for digestion, in some culinary preparations instead of yeast but not only. In fact, it is also highly appreciated for household cleaning.

In fact, bicarbonate can absorb bad odors and humidity and has a whitening and sanitizing power. To keep ants away, we will need bicarbonate of soda to clean the floor. Let’s see how.

First, you need to mix about 500 ml of hot water with a cup of bicarbonate of soda . The solution will be used to thoroughly clean the floor and say goodbye to ants .

The bicarbonate of soda can also be placed along the path of the ants, where you know that the insects are entering the kitchen or other rooms of your house. The dust will deter them from venturing into the house. Perfect for sprinkling along the windowsill or the entrance to the French windows. Likewise, it can be done with talcum powder.

The bicarbonate of soda can also be placed in small containers, such as the caps of jam jars, mixed with icing sugar. The ants will be attracted by the sugar, they will ingest it together with the bicarbonate which is poisonous to them. By also bringing them into their anthill, they will cause others of their kind to die and, as time passes, their number will drastically decrease.

sodium bicarbonate
sodium bicarbonate against ants –
Alternatively, the floor can be washed with water and citrus essence. A smell, that of citrus fruits, which appears very annoying to insects who will decide to immediately leave your house to venture to other places.

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