When we talk about bleach, a thousand questions always come to mind. In reality it is a versatile product, used for the home or to whiten and remove stains from fabrics. The main question is: can it be used in the washing machine? Experts recommend some attention and particular use. Let’s see together how best to proceed ?

Bleach , as the one found in the supermarket is called, is a substance called diluted sodium hypochlorite . It occurs in a liquid state and has a particularly pungent odor, with a pale yellow color.

It is characterized by a very powerful oxidizing action, with particular properties that make it excellent for disinfecting surfaces, removing stains from fabrics or cleaning particularly dirty laundry. Grandmothers have always used it, but it is important to handle it with due caution. The downside to the product exists, in fact it stains or corrodes fabrics or even various surfaces.

Bleach in the washing machine
Bleach in the washing machine-NanoPress.it
There are essentially two types of bleach on the market : classic or delicate. The delicate is rich in nitrogen peroxide, making the substance very delicate in contact with tissues. It is ideal for colored garments and for thoroughly removing stains from some fabrics (without fading or ruining the various colours).

Can You Use Bleach In The Washing Machine? The Opinion Of The Experts
Can bleach be used in the washing machine? The product is highly effective, although the quantity must be limited as well as its use. In fact, over time it could weaken the fabrics and ruin the fibers. The correct time is certainly before starting the actual washing, as a pre-treatment.

set the washing machine programs
set the washing machine programs-NanoPress.it
Garment bleach is normally used to remove stains from all garments and make them white again. Remove stains from coloureds , using the delicate type or to remedy a small accident.

To use it best, it is better to pre-treat by pouring the product into a basin with water. Immediately afterwards leave to soak for a few minutes – as needed – and immediately afterwards start with the classic washing in the washing machine. If you look carefully at the appliance tray, you will notice a third space dedicated to this product. Obviously, the quantity must be minimal and controlled, adopting it only in cases of extreme necessity.

That’s not all, bleached laundry is still more delicate than laundry washed with classic products such as detergent. Great care must be taken when applying it, without exposing it to direct sunlight (so as not to make it yellow). To overcome this problem it is better to use the dryer.

In summary, bleach can be used in the washing machine but only occasionally and in extreme cases. Prefer the delicate type and also the hand-made pre-wash.

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