Plants, how to water them for a month at no cost: the method used by farmers

With this method, you can water the plants for almost a month without spending any money. Many farmers use this method: we’ll show you how below.

Potted plants in the garden need water. When summer comes and the rains fail, you should never forget about them, otherwise they will die. If you grow vegetables, water is really essential to make the plant grow, but also to give it tasty fruit.

That’s precisely why we want to show you the farmer’s method for watering the vegetables in your garden effortlessly and at no cost for about a month. You won’t have to go out every day to water them, but just pop in from time to time to check that everything is working properly.

Watering the plants
Below, in the next paragraph, we’ll show you everything in detail about how to carry out this method. You won’t need to buy anything because we’ll be using a very common household item. Here are all the details you need to know.

How to water plants for a month
As we said, this method can be useful when you spend a few days away from home. You’ll need a large plastic bottle. The bigger the bottle, the more days you won’t be watering your plants. Now use a marker to make a mark about 15cm from the bottom and 10cm from the neck.

Join them together and this will be an internal line that will serve as a guide as to where to place the bottle on the plant. A little below the line, about 3 inches from the bottom, make a small point that you will need to pierce. You can do this with an awl or a heated wire iron.

Watering with a plastic bottle – the peasant method
The hole should be small and not too big. At this point, fill the bottle with water. Not all of it, but up to the beginning of the line you drew earlier. Now close the bottle tightly with the cap. It’s time to place the bottle near the plant.

Putting the bottle in the ground
You can use this method in the garden and you have to get close to the plant and lightly dig up some soil to place the bottle in. The bottle should be buried up to the starting point of the line you made earlier. Remember to face the side of the bottle with the hole facing the plant.

Water the plants for a month
Now cover again with soil. Then open the lid and fill the bottle completely. Now close the lid again. As soon as the bottle is closed, the water level will stop dropping and will only come out at the plant’s request or when the soil is dry. It will drop by drop.

This way, you can be sure that your plants will always be watered and you won’t have to think about watering them every day. This method is especially suitable for vegetables planted in the garden. But there are also other methods for potted plants, such as the bottle and string method.

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