Cactus, unfortunately few people knew about this foolproof technique

It’s an infallible technique that few people know about: for the cactus is to be tried immediately, even without a green thumb.

Anyone who decides to embellish their home or garden with a beautiful cactus doesn’t realise that it requires attention and a minimum of green thumb. Many people think that these succulents don’t have certain demands or needs, so much so that just watering them from time to time can be enough. How to protect the cactus? With this method suggested by experts in the sector.

How to protect succulents?
From the end of September, all succulents need protection because they relax their activity. They prepare for the cold and rest for the winter. Anyone who doesn’t observe certain rules could end up with a completely damaged plant that needs to be rescued.

From the end of September, watering should also be reduced to twice a month every 15 days. Succulents, if they have dry soil, tolerate the cold much better.

From the end of October, it’s best to water once a day. Fertilising should generally never be done in October/November. The last fertiliser should be rich in potassium sulphate, which is ideal for strengthening the tissues and increasing the resistance of succulents.

Plants of this type must be constantly protected from the cold, becoming active as early as October, when night-time temperatures are low and difficult to bear. There are succulents that can withstand sub-zero temperatures, but in any case they must be protected from humidity and rain. It can happen that a plant of this type is damaged and experts reveal a method known to very few people.

Damaged cactus, the method little known to experts
So how can a damaged cactus be helped and preserved? Through the video tutorials found on the web by professionals in the sector, you’ll learn an extraordinary method for saving a plant damaged by cold or parasites.

cactus expert method
The first thing to do is locate the damaged part and take the plant to a specialised nurseryman. In the meantime, a small part of the plant itself is cut off and a container is prepared with soil and essential nutrients. The cut part is planted in this container and then watered.

It is left to rest in a bright, warm place until growth and development are observed. If you look closely, the cut and planted part of the plant will have developed roots. The method has therefore given rise to a new succulent plant, saving the intact part.

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