The 10 Most Beautiful Houseplants That Grow Without Sunlight

Plants are a wonderful way to decorate the interior of your home. Aside from their aesthetics, plants are also good for your health as they absorb CO2 to produce oxygen. They help to freshen the air in the house and eliminate a good part of the negative substances. This renewed air, free of toxins, will make you feel better in your home and keep you in better shape. So let’s see what are the best plants to have in the house that don’t need a lot of light.



Spathiphyllum is a plant traditionally associated with the nicknames moonflower and peace lily. It is characterized by beautiful white leaves and can grow up to 1 meter in height. It is a plant native to South America that grows well in dimly lit rooms.

La azalea de interior

Room Azalea

The Japanese are known for using a lot of plants in their homes, and the indoor azalea is one of the most famous in the country that, while it doesn’t need a lot of light, isn’t very hardy.

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Here is another plant from South America that is content with low light to live indoors, so it is perfect for the interior of the house.



This plant, nicknamed the snake plant, has a special shape that pleases some, others less so. Although it grows faster in bright light, it can also adapt to less radiant environments.



However, the plant with the bright red leaves only needs a lot of sunlight to thrive. Aesthetics and needs are perfectly matched to the interior design of the house.



Beautiful plant with orange flowers and a pleasant aroma. It can grow without too much light, but it’s still a good idea to take it out from time to time to encourage optimal growth.



This is a hardy plant that can grow even in the darkest places in the house, but requires a fairly cool temperature.



Aglaonema, like Clivia, can also live in places with little light, but an occasional stay in the sun will do her good. It is advisable to opt for Aglaonema commutatum, which is better adapted to the lack of light than the other species.

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This plant is undoubtedly one of the most suitable for interior decoration. Firstly, their colorful aesthetics seduce; secondly, its light needs are perfectly adequate (the plant even tends not to tolerate locations that are too bright).

Árbol de serpiente

Snake Tree

We end this list (which is not exhaustive) with the dracaena, a much larger and more spacious plant than the ones mentioned so far, but which still requires little light. Remember to prune it regularly so that it does not take up too much space and grows well.

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