Lavender IN OIL is stronger than any medicine, my mother used to say: Remember this recipe for life!

Lavender is a highly prized plant, and thanks to this guide on YouTube, you can make your own lavender oil.

It smells pleasant, has relaxing effects and is good for the skin.

Photo: pixabay

Lavender is used as an effective natural repellent, helps to drive moths out of the cupboard, is found in cosmetics, and due to its distinctive fragrance, it is also used as an air freshener.

Lavender flowers are mainly used in oil production, but leaves can also be used.

It is best to collect the flowers on hot days, as this is when they contain the highest content of essential oils.

TIP: If you can’t pick fresh lavender flowers, you can also use dried ones.

Photo: pixabay

You will need: Fresh or dried lavender flowers.

A jar with a lid (can be a mason jar).

Neutral oil (without a pronounced fragrance), the best is almond oil.


  1. Squeeze the lavender flowers into the jar and pour oil over them so that they are completely covered.
  2. Close the jar with the lid and place it in a warm place where it can macerate for 3 weeks.
  3. Shake the contents of the jar every day.

Photo: pixabay

  1. At the end of this time, strain the oil and store it in dark bottles.

Application: The lavender oil is applied to the skin and is used, for example, in aromatherapy.

It promotes skin health, nourishes it and helps with sunburn.

It also helps to regenerate the skin and has a relaxing effect.

For these reasons, it is also used as a massage oil.

It loosens the muscles and relieves pain.

Photo: pixabay

Lavender oil can also help heal wounds.

It can be applied to the skin to treat stitches, rashes, eczema, burns, acne, scratches, and even scars.

It also acts as a protection against insect bites, as the lavender scent keeps mosquitoes away.

Apply it to the skin before spending time outdoors.

Unlike some store-bought repellents, lavender oil is not harmful.

Photo: pixabay

Lavender oil is also used for sleep problems.

It also helps prevent pimples on the face during puberty.

It prevents infections, reduces oiliness of the skin and softens scars after acne.

It is also used for hair care as it limits hair loss.

It is enough to regularly massage a small amount of this oil into the hair.

Photo: pixabay

As you can see, lavender oil is really beneficial, and its preparation is very simple, so it is worth having it in your homemade natural pharmacy.

We wish you good health!

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