The FANDA recipe everyone is looking for! CHEMICAL-FREE! Stays fresh for 2 years!

Hello, dear readers! Today, we’re going to delve into the art of making homemade lemon syrup, a delicious blend that can elevate your culinary adventures. This sweet and sour elixir is not only versatile, but also easy to prepare. Say goodbye to store-bought syrups loaded with preservatives and join us on this flavorful journey. Follow these detailed steps to make your own lemon syrup.


5 kg oranges


Baking powder

3 fresh lemons

3 liters of water

200 g sugar (optional)


Step 1: Prepare the citrus fruits Start by rinsing the oranges and lemons thoroughly under running water. The goal is to make sure they are clean and free of dirt or contaminants.

Step 2: Remove bitterness To reduce any bitterness in your syrup, carefully remove the outermost peel from the citrus fruits, being careful not to include the white flesh. The flesh can give a bitter taste, so focus on the aromatic outer peel.

Step 3: Cooking the citrus fruits Place the cleaned citrus zest in a large saucepan, add 3 liters of water and gently bring to a boil. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes to release the aromatic flavors.

Step 4: Blending and filtering After simmering, transfer the contents of the pot to a blender and blend until smooth. To achieve a silky texture, sift the mixture through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to separate the liquid from the remaining solids.

Step 5: Adjust Consistency (Optional) Depending on your preference, you can adjust the thickness of your syrup by adding a little water to the mixture if it seems too thick. Stir well to achieve the desired consistency.

Step 6: Add sweetness (optional) If you prefer a sweetened syrup, add 200 grams of sugar to the liquid. Reheat the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Step 7: Filling and Storage Use clean, dry glass bottles to store your lemon syrup. Pour the hot syrup into the bottles while it is still warm, making sure the lids are tightly closed. Let the syrup cool for 20-24 hours.

Professional tips for proper storage:

Make sure the bottle caps are tightly closed to prevent air from entering. Store the syrup in a cool place, ideally in a cool basement, especially if you live in a warm climate. Properly stored, your lemon syrup will last up to 2 years.

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