Contaminated rice withdrawn from circulation: correction of the manufacturing company published.

Rice – Nanopress.de

With reference to the article published on the Nanopress.it website, on January 25, 2023, we publish in our newspaper the correction – ex art. 8 L. n. 47/1948 – on behalf of Curti s.r.l., the manufacturer of the rice that is the subject of the recall due to the possible presence of tricyclazole.


In recent weeks, several media outlets have published reports of recalls and withdrawals of our batches of Vialone Nano rice from Curti Srl due to the possible presence of tricyclazole.
Since some of the articles published appear to be inaccurate, while others could cause concern, Curti Srl considers it appropriate to make a clarification:
– As part of the “monitoring plan” that is systematically carried out
on raw materials and finished products, the reference analysis carried out by
an accredited laboratory has detected the presence of tricyclazole in some batches of
Vialone Nano Rice;
– Once the analyses were available and thanks to the traceability system of each batch with which the company is equipped, it was verified that some of the batches had already
been delivered for distribution, As a precautionary measure and as an absolute guarantee of the food safety of consumers, Curti Srl has voluntarily issued the
corresponding recalls
.and withdrawals from the market, while informing the competent authorities in order to initiate the
warning and control measures;
– At the same time, the possible presence of tricyclazole depends solely on its
use by the farmer at the rice cultivation stage, Curti Srl immediately informed the supplier of the batches of Vialone Nano Paddy rice from which the rice affected by the voluntary withdrawal and recall originates of that fact and took the necessary measures.

In view of the fact that the warning issued by the authorities stems precisely from the report drawn up by Curti Srl at the end of the quality control activity which it systematically carried out – a control activity the usefulness and effectiveness of which is clearly confirmed by the incident in question – and that Curti Srl, even before any regulation of the authority, even at the risk of: that there could have been an outcry, immediately began the voluntary precautionary withdrawal of the expelled lots.

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