Add lemon juice while preparing the eggs

In addition to seasoning your dishes and bringing a touch of acidity to your recipes, lemon could become your best ally in the kitchen. Check out this often overlooked trick with lemon. Ad Why put a slice of lemon in the egg cooking water? If lemon is an ideal citrus fruit for drinking or making great recipes, it can help you with a tedious and tedious task, which is peeling eggs. After cooking the eggs for about ten minutes in simmering water, it’s time to peel them, i.e. remove the shell. While some membranes are easy to remove, others struggle to open or detach. They are sometimes difficult to peel and can end up with less white when peeling. How do you use this trick to peel eggs? To start, you’ll need to cut a lemon in half and rub it on the eggshells before boiling (you can also throw a quarter of a lemon into the egg cooking water). Then, submerge the eggs in the water and let them sit to the consistency you desire. After cooking, you will see that the membrane will come off very easily. Removing the eggshells will now be a breeze.

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