Here’s how to grow ginger at home to have it endlessly

Originally from Asia, ginger is an herbaceous plant rich in vitamins and minerals. Its pungent flavor is ideal for enhancing the flavor of dishes and adding flavor. Cold, this tropical perennial needs a minimum heat of 10°C. That is why it is preferable to grow this rhizome in a pot. That being said, learn how to successfully grow ginger for a bountiful harvest.

Ginger is a vegetable plant, but also a condiment. Used to flavor dishes, thanks to its peppery flavor, this rhizome also has medicinal properties. To enjoy the benefits of ginger and get an organic and bountiful harvest, it is important to successfully grow this Asian plant.

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How to grow ginger successfully and get a bountiful harvest?


To grow ginger, you’ll need rhizomes, not seeds, as ginger doesn’t produce any. The rhizome is an underground stem that has aerial roots and stems. To get an organic harvest, it’s important to choose organic rhizomes, which you can find at health food stores. These have not been treated and can therefore germinate easily. These roots for planting should also be vigorous and not wilted or stunted. Also, choose rhizomes that contain multiple growths. Your harvest will be more generous.Ezoic

To grow ginger in a pot, it is important to choose a large and deep container, to stimulate the development of the roots. You can opt for a planter, for example, to accommodate up to 3 ginger rhizomes per container. To promote drainage and prevent root rot, place clay pebbles at the bottom of the pot. Next, fill 3/4 of the pot with a mixture of 2/3 potting soil and 1/3 river sand, then squeeze lightly. Plant the rhizome flat, without pushing it completely into the soil. Part of the rhizome should remain visible. Then water, being careful not to leave standing water in the saucer.

Young Ginger Plant in Banana Leaf Pot

Once you’ve planted the ginger, keep the pot in a sunnywarm room , avoiding direct sunlight exposure. Note that ginger is a tropical plant that likes heat around 25°C and constant humidity. Moderate watering is recommended if the ginger has not yet developed its roots, as the slightest excess can cause the plant to rot. Wait for the first leaves to appear and the stems to rise to water the soil more regularly. In fact, it shouldn’t be dry. However, avoid stagnant water in the saucer or cache pot.Ezoic

Ginger grown indoors can be prone to attacks from mealybugs. To avoid this, it is advisable to aerate your plant as soon as possible, as long as it is not cold. To do this, keep your pot for a few hours in the garden or on the terrace, especially in summer when it is not cold. In case of a mealybug attack, soak a cotton ball in alcohol and pass it over the foliage.

When to harvest ginger?

gengibre fresco

Ginger can be harvested 9-10 months after planting. If you notice that the green parts of the plant are starting to dry out, you can dig up the rhizomes for consumption. To get a more lemony flavored ginger, remember to harvest it after only 6 months of planting.

You can also shred the harvested rhizomes to plant them and get a new harvest. However, make sure that each rhizome fragment contains at least one bud. Ezoic

That said, by respecting the needs and requirements of ginger, you will be able to grow this condiment plant and get a generous harvest, even without having a green thumb.

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