With this ingredient you will have very strong roots and constantly lush flowers

If you want to have a garden that is always lush, our tips are for you. With this ingredient you will have very strong roots and many flowers.

With this ingredient you will have very strong roots

If your plants are wilting or struggling to bloom, don’t worry. We have a solution that will solve your problem. With this ingredient you will have very strong roots and lush flowers all year round.Ezoic

How To Cure Plants Without Chemicals

Caring for plants is not an easy task, especially for those who are not an expert gardener. It is not enough to study the characteristics of plants or flowers to be able to take care of them, but some tips must also be put into practice to obtain optimal results.

How to Care for Plants

The most common and frequently made mistake usually concerns the watering of plants. Many people believe that a Phalaenopsis orchid and an anthurium should receive the same amount of water – this is an absolutely wrong thought.Ezoic

Each plant, depending also on its geographical origin, will need more or less water. For example, anthurium, which is native to Colombian tropical jungles, will need more water than an orchid that needs more moderate watering.

What is most important to avoid is the so-called water stress . The same goes for light: plants do not always need direct irradiation, on the contrary. In some cases, the sun’s rays can only cause damage such as drying out the leaves and burning the roots.

Speaking of roots, if you want to have a lush garden with strong plants and lots of flowers, then you need this ingredient. You don’t need any chemicals or unnatural fertilizers. The recipe we propose is simple but above all ecological!


With this ingredient you will have very strong roots and many flowers

If you want a garden that is always lush, fragrant and flowery, try our technique. With this ingredient you will have very strong roots and beautiful flowers all year round.

What is the magic ingredient you need to get? We will say right away: it is rice! The grains of this cereal will do wonders for your garden. There are three techniques you can use.

Rice grains to strengthen the roots

The first is this: Fill a cup with grains of rice and put them in a blender. Mix for 5 minutes and you will get rice powder. The latter, really nutritious, you will use it to fertilize the soil of your plants : you will see that they will grow strong, that they will have robust roots, but above all you will witness an incredible flowering process.

The second is to soak the rice grains in cold water for 30 minutes. After this time, you will use the water, which in the meantime has absorbed the nutritional properties of rice , to water your plants.Ezoic

The third and final technique consists of always soaking a cup of rice grains in boiling water for 10 minutes . Also in this case, you will use the water you will filter to water your plants.

Rice water is rich in nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium , which will help plants develop strong and healthy roots , but above all to hunt many flowers. It only takes 6 tablespoons of rice water for each plant to get amazing results: your plants will thrive for months.

In addition to phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, rice also contains many proteins that will allow not only the roots to grow better absorbing all the necessary nutrients, but also the leaves to acquire brightness and vivid colors.

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