Don’t throw it away, for plants it’s worth gold: you’ll see how they will visibly grow

This element is ideal as an organic fertilizer for plants: its properties are truly exceptional.
Poivre et plante
Many people like to enrich the interior of their home with flowers and plants, which add liveliness and color to every room in the house. However, if you want to ensure that the plants are always strong and luxuriant, it is necessary to know well the “secrets” regarding the care and maintenance of the same: it is therefore good to understand which are the best places for them put, as well as the most suitable products, correct watering methods, etc. Another detail to take into account when you have plants in the house and in the garden is that of organic fertilizers.
Strong, lush plants: here is the perfect solution
Organic fertilizers are products that represent an exceptional form of nourishment for the soil intended for growing plants. But which are the most appropriate? Organic fertilizer specialists know how to advise those who are new to growing and need some advice to really become green thumbs. Not everyone knows, in fact, that some foods that we usually eat on our table are perfect as organic fertilizers for plants.
Arrosage des plantes
Among these there is the pepper , although it should not be used in its entirety: the part that interests us is the lower part , just the one that is usually thrown away when you prepare to clean the vegetable. It is absolutely not necessary to eliminate this part of the pepper, which on the contrary can be extremely useful as an organic fertilizer given its properties. This part, in fact, is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium : all the nutrients that allow our plants to grow strong and luxuriant. But how to ensure maximum feeding from the bottom of the pepper? First we will have to put this portion in the blender, adding a liter of water and mixing everything for about a few minutes.
Pepper is ideal
Une fois le jus de poivre obtenu, il est introduit dans un autre récipient en le filtrant avec un tamis, afin de séparer les graines de la substance liquide. Après le tamisage, nous sommes prêts à utiliser du jus de poivre. La bonne nouvelle est que cette solution, qui peut vraiment être réalisée en quelques minutes, peut être appliquée sans problème sur toutes les plantes, qui profiteront pleinement de ce excellent engrais organique.
En clair, l’arrosage doit avoir lieu avec une certaine délicatesse afin de ne pas endommager les plantes: le conseil est d’appliquer la solution avec un abreuvoir spécial. Dans peu de temps, nous remarquerons des résultats vraiment satisfaisants: les plantes apparaîtront toniques et fortes. Le choix d’utiliser la partie inférieure du poivre est le meilleur possible, tant en termes de résultats qu’économiquement: au lieu de choisir des produits particulièrement coûteux, vous pouvez opter pour ces solutions naturelles. A partir d’aujourd’hui, vous ne jetterez plus la partie inférieure du poivre à la poubelle: vos plantes vous remercieront.

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