Homemade Cleaning Products – My Bathroom Never Smelled Like Urine Again

teria-free home.

Rosemary disinfectant
Homemade cleaning products
Take a look at this sensational recipe for one of the homemade cleaning products you can make. This rosemary sanitizer is super fragrant, powerful, and easy to make. You can use it to clean floors in general, leaving a pleasant aroma.


1.5 liters of water;
100 ml of alcohol;
100 ml of spirit vinegar;
50 ml of fabric softener ;
2 tablespoons of baking soda;
2 tablespoons of detergent;
Coloring to taste;
Rosemary sprigs .
How to prepare:

Put the water in a container, add the alcohol, vinegar, detergent and mix well. Next, add the softener, after this process a layer will form on top, from which you will need to remove with a sieve or coffee strainer.

Place the rosemary sprigs in a 2 liter plastic bottle, pour the mixture made previously, add the coloring and leave to sit for 24 hours. After this time, your disinfectant will be ready to use.

Economical Home Disinfectant 20 Liters
Do you want a great recipe for homemade cleaning products that is easy to make and offers good performance? Follow this step by step to make an economical 20 liter disinfectant.


1 bar of soap 90 g – cannot be creamy or glycerinated;
500 ml of white alcohol vinegar;
100 ml of concentrated fabric softener;
400 ml of cleaning alcohol;
17 liters of water: 2 liters must be hot;
Food coloring to taste;
Essence to taste.

The first step is to grate the soap and melt it in 2 liters of hot water. Once the grated soap has dissolved, let it sit for 12 hours until it forms a “slurry”. After this time, start diluting to get to the right point of disinfectant.

To do this, place in a container with a capacity of 20 liters, put 3 liters of water and beat with a blender . After mixing well, add another 3 liters of water and mix again. Add another 3 liters of water, mix well and finally add another 3 liters of water, for a total of 14 liters (2 liters hot water + 3 liters + 3 liters + 3 liters + 3 liters water = 14 liters).

Once everything is well beaten, add the vinegar, mix well, add the softener, stir and finally add the alcohol and the remaining 3 liters of water, totaling the 17 liters called for in the ingredients. Mix well to combine.

Mix the gasoline, dye, then simply use it on the floor and for general cleaning.

Disinfectant With Harpic
Homemade cleaning products
Another homemade cleaning product you can make to keep your bathroom smelling delicious and bacteria-free is this super-concentrated disinfectant made from harpic hygiene tablet .


1 harp hygienic tablet – it must be the soft stone one;
300 ml of alcohol
2 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent ;
1 liter of boiling water;

Place the hot water in a container, the hygienic tablet and stir with a blender until completely dissolved. Then add the alcohol and make up with water at room temperature, until the solution reaches 2 liters.

Mix well and your disinfectant is ready. Transfer to a plastic bottle and use in your daily cleaning. If you want, you can dilute it with water to clean it.

For the bathroom, the ideal is to install it as is, without water. Put 50 ml of disinfectant in the toilet before bed and say goodbye to the smell of urine.

Tip: always wear gloves and a protective mask to avoid accidents.

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